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MY RADIO SHOW (en anglais)

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J'ai eu la chance d'avoir une vie très riche, à la fois en termes de bénédictions et de défis. Mon message est basé sur l'expérience humaine quotidienne à laquelle tout le monde peut s'identifier, pas sur la théorie ou la spéculation intellectuelle. Mon chemin a été rempli de leçons et d'outils de grande valeur dans le domaine de l'éducation, de la spiritualité, de la guérison, de la parentalité et de la vie en général et en les partageant avec vous, j'espère vous donner les outils pour une vie plus libre et plus joyeuse où l'émerveillement  a une place de choix avec un côté pratique terre-à-terre. Écoutez Blooming in the Light tous les jeudis à 10 h 00, heure du Pacifique, sur la chaîne VoiceAmerica 7th Wave.

Mes compétences sont dans le domaine des soins énergétiques, de la spiritualité, de l'enseignement, de l'éducation spéciale et de l'art.

J'ai commencé la méditation transcendantale en 1973 et, sous la direction de Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, je suis devenue professeur de MT.

Cela m'a apporté des expériences très enrichissantes, de la croissance, de la compréhension et de nombreuses surprises!


Environ 20 ans plus tard, j'ai découvert que j'avais la capacité d'aider les autres en utilisant mes mains, mais je voulais une technique éprouvée par le temps.


J'ai eu la chance de trouver Kolaimni, une méthode très complète à la fois très puissante et très douce.


Je le pratique depuis 1996 et je l'enseigne depuis 2012 aux Etats-Unis et en France.


J'ai également enseigné dans une école privée et donné des cours privés. Je suis également tisserande.

J'ai été propriétaire d'un restaurant aux Etats-Unis, Petit Paris, pendant 5 ans et co-auteur du livre de recettes Petit Paris at Home.


or check the episodes below.

Kolaimni Healing Technique May 12, 2016

This program will present the Kolaimni Healing Technique, what it is, what it does, how it works and how and where to learn it.
Kolaimni (pronounced “Ko-lame-nee”) is a unique ancient method of energy healing that is at the same time very gentle and very powerful. It is a healing form based on natural physical law, which makes use of the body’s own vibrations.
People who practice Kolaimni connect with the Universal Light and use it to aid the sick, comfort the broken hearted and strengthen others who are weak and weary.
It allows the practitioner to connect the recipient to the Universal Light to renew the body’s own restorative powers.
Because the Universal Light is the basic component of every living thing in the universe, all of us have access to it. As a consequence all of us can learn Kolaimni and practice it successfully to help ourselves and our loved ones.
It is easy to learn in one weekend.

Kolaimni Healing Technique
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Kolaimni Healing Technique and Public Health May 19, 2016

Our guest this week is Charlotte Pritt, an eminent specialist of alternative medicine who has served in public office. She has been involved with Kolaimni for several decades and is a trainer in many other alternative modalities. She will discuss many specific aspects of and what place she believes Kolaimni should have in our society and why.

Kolaimni Healing Technique and Public Health
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The Value of Visualization, méditation and breating exercice June 2, 2016

In this episode we will experience together two exercises that I have learned from my Kolaimni teacher, Mechi Garza.
The first one is a visualization technique that allows us to perceive the deeper reality of an object, (an orange in this case). The value of this exercise is to broaden and develop a different kind of perception, to train our senses differently so they may grow to give us a truer « vision » of the world around us.
The second one is a breathing exercise that is extremely calming and which can be of great use whenever we might be challenged and are in a situation that does not offer us the privacy we might need to practice a short meditation for example.
These are simple, practical techniques that I invite you to include in your tools for a better Life.

The value of Visualization, meditation and breathing exercice
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Kolaimni Techniques with Mechi, Founder of Kolaimni June 30, 2016

In this episode your host Marie-Helene Tourenne and Kolaimni developer Mechi Garza will share three techniques from the Kolaimni teachings that can be taught on the air. Mechi Garza is now 92 years old and lives in West Virginia, From there she will be on the air to share her wisdom with our listeners. It is a great honour and privilege to be able to help her spread this amazing healing technique. Kolaimni (pronounced “Ko-lame-nee”) is an ancient method of energy healing. It uses the Universal Light to stimulate the body’s own energy fields so that it will spontaneously start healing itself. People who practice Kolaimni use the Light to aid the sick, comfort the broken hearted and strengthen others who are weak and weary. It allows the practitioner to connect the recipient to the Universal Light to renew the body’s restorative powers”.

Kolaimni Techniques with Mechi, Founder of Kolaimni
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Learning to Work with the Light June 2, 2016

In this last episode of Blooming in the Light, Mechi Garza, developer of Kolaimni, Leslie Hollis and your host Marie-Hélène Tourenne, both Kolaimni instructors, will discuss the proper steps used when training a student to practice Kolaimni.

Learning to work with the Light
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